Fun Java Programs


These are some Java programs I made in AP Computer Science. Many use the Processing core 3.0 library. Click an image for a direct download to an executable version.

Mandelbrot Set Explorer: Zoom in and out, pan, and change the level of detail to explore this fractal
Javascript Version: Left/right click or up/down arrow to zoom in/out, Shift + arrow keys to pan, '[' and '{' to decrease detail, ']' and '}' to increase

Star Wars Space Invaders: The classic Space Invaders, but with a few twists and a Star Wars theme
Space Invaders

Snake: Like classic Snake, but with looping walls

2048: Grayscale, simplified version of 2048

Knight's Tour Solver: 3D animated solution for an NxN chess board
Knight's Tour

Sudoku solver: Solves a given sudoku board
Put the game board in a file called "puzzle.txt" in the same directory as the JAR
Sudoku Solver

Grade Display: Displays a histogram and other statistical information from a given file of grade data
List the scores in a file called "scores.txt" in the same directory as the JAR
Grade Display

Winter Scene: An animated winter greeting card with almost everything (including the music) generated using recursion
Winter Scene

Shakespeare Text Generator: My attempt at generating a line of text that sounds like it is from Shakespeare
Text Generator

Tic-tac-toe: Simple tic-tac-toe. Also a command line version.
Tic tac toe

Mondrian Art Simulator: Generates an image resembling Piet Mondrian's abstract art using recursion.
Mondrian art